Two Solidarity Events this Friday

This Friday there are now two different solidarity actions going on in the central belt that folks should try head to. First up in Glasgow:

Glasgow Against Atos Monthly Picket
Cadogan Street, Glasgow, G2.
Facebook Event

Monthly picket to show opposition to disability assessments and go out in solidarity with those subject to the profit-led schemes of Atos and the government. Later that afternoon over in Edinburgh:

Solidarity with Pussy Riot hunger strike
58 Melville Street, Edinburgh, EH3 7HF.
Facebook Event

No to death camps in Russia! Solidarity rally with Pussy Riot member Nadezhda, who began a hunger strike to denounce the inhuman conditions in Russian prisons. Come support Nadezhda and all the people who fight for a free Russia!

In an open letter published in the Guardian, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, one of the two members of Pussy Riot sentenced in 2012 to two years of forced labour for hooliganism and blasphemy, described the conditions of detention in a labour camp for women in Mordovia:

“I will not remain silent, resigned to watch as my fellow prisoners collapse under the strain of slavery-like conditions. I demand that the colony administration respect human rights; I demand that the Mordovia camp function in accordance with the law. I demand that we be treated like human beings, not slaves.”

“I am going on hunger strike and refusing to participate in colony slave labor. I will do this until the administration starts obeying the law and stops treating incarcerated women like cattle ejected from the realm of justice for the purpose of stoking the production of the sewing industry; until they start treating us like humans.” (N. Tolokonnikova)

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