Groups in Glasgow

Glasgow Anarchist Federation are happy to maintain a list of anarchist, working class, community-based, DIY, radical, and alternative groups in Glasgow. Please contact us if you know of anyone we have missed from this page or if any of the details are incorrect:

Glasgow Anarchist Federation
Class-struggle anarchist communists who are part of the Anarchist Federation of Britain and the International Federation of Anarchists. Friendly and organised! 
Federation Website | Facebook | Twitter | Email

Unity Centre
Offering friendly, practical solidarity and mutual aid to all asylum seekers, refugees and sans papiers.
Website | Facebook | Email

Glasgow Solidarity Network
A volunteer group who will support your struggle to win back a deposit, wages, repairs, or fees by use of collective direct action.
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Tumblr | Email | Tel: 07842 935 713

WestGAP is an anti-poverty community group run by and for people in Glasgow who have first hand experience of living in poverty. We are totally independent, are not funded by government, and are not part of any political party or organisation.
Website | Facebook | Email | Tel: 0141 328 5133

Clydeside Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
Directly democratic, direct action union; the union that fights to win!
Website | Facebook | Email

United Glasgow FC
United Glasgow F.C was formed in 2011 to provide a point of access to regular, structured football for those who might find themselves excluded. We hope to keep building a true community football club which represents all of Glasgow; regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or financial position.
Website | Facebook

Glasgow Social Centre Collective
A collective with the immediate goal to open and maintain a social centre that will provide space for non-hierarchical groups, community & worker-led activities, or grassroots & DIY projects to hold their activities and reach out to others.
Website | Facebook | Email

We Will Rise
We Will Rise is a group of migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and their allies who have come together to organise and take direct action against the systems, institutions, and corporations who contribute to our oppression. We are the movement we want to see.
Website | Facebook | Email

The Govan Farmhouse Project
A project to take an old farmhouse in Govan – part of Scotland’s Common Good Fund, and turn it into an independent community resource centre. The entire process from planning to build to use as an learning project including as many of the community as possible.
Website | FacebookEmail

Glasgow Anarchist Black Cross
Arranging practical solidarity for those incarcerated in struggles predicated on self determination and maximization of all people’s freedom.

Sex Workers Open University
Sex Worker Open University is a project created by and for sex workers to socialize, learn new skills, and create events together. Our aim is to empower our community through workshops, debates, actions and art project as well as fighting against our criminalisation.​
Website | Email

Glasgow Palestine Action
A network of people organizing and taking action against Israeli apartheid through BDS and other solidarity work.

The Spirit of Revolt
An ongoing project to archive and preserve the rich history of anarchist, autonomous and working class activism in Clydeside.
Website | Email

White Feather Collective
Celebrating war resisters, conscientious objectors, and all those fighting militarism during WW1 and today – reclaiming the white feather in Glasgow.

The Concrete Garden
The Concrete Garden is an urban community food growing and creative waste reduction project providing growing space, activities, and events for the people of Possilpark and the wider North Glasgow area.

Faslane Peace Camp
A permanent peace camp sited alongside Faslane Naval base and taking action against the Trident nuclear submarines located on the base.
Website | Facebook | Email | Tel: 07911 793 227 / 01436 820 901

Talamh House 
Talamh is a collective housing co-op currently home to 8 adults, and a teenager, some living in the 17th century listed farmhouse, others in caravans and living vehicles in and around the paddock.
Website | Email | Tel: 01555 820 555

Radical Independent Bookfair
RiB looks to provide stuff for sale, things to swap, materials free to take away, library stock to view, and events to engage in.
Website | Facebook | Email

Vegan People’s Kitchen
We are an anti-capitalist group promoting shared responsibility and mutual aid along with providing meals and a chance to socialise. We create exclusively vegan food because it is ethical, environmentally more sustainable & cheap.

Urban Roots 
Working in the South Side and aims to inspire people and communities to connect with nature, and take practical action that tackles the root causes of climate change.
Website | EmailFacebook | Twitter | Tel: 0141 613 2766 / 2763

Coal Action Scotland
In the face of dangerous climate change caused by human activity, the Coal Action Scotland collective exists to challenge the advancement of coal as an energy source.
Website | Email

The Anarchist Critic
Local anarchist news and views in a monthly free publication and blog.

The Electron Club
The Electron Club is a voluntary run space where people interested in things like Free Open Source Software, DIY culture, circuit bending, hardware hacking, streaming, audio and video editing, green technologies, and amateur radio can meet, use equipment, and share and disseminate their skills and ideas.

The Strickland Distribution 
The Strickland Distribution is an artist-run group supporting the development of independent research in art-related and non-institutional practices.
Website | Email

Glasgow Critical Mass
Critical Mass is a movement without leaders showing the world that cycling is healthy for the environment, for ourselves, sociable and lots of fun!

Frack off Glasgow
Glasgow based efforts to halt fracking through improved awareness of the subject and raising the need for direct action!
Facebook | Frack Off Scotland

Govan Community Bike Workshop
Govan Community Bike Workshop CIC is a social enterprise bike workshop located @ 18 Brighton Place, G51 2RP. Open Saturday 10am – 5.00pm.